My favourite book recommendations for developing a positive mental attitude and growth mindset in children

‘Your fantastic elastic brain’ by JoAnn Deak, PhD ‘After the fall’ by Dan Santat  ‘The girl who never made mistakes’ by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein ‘The friend I need’ by Gabi Garcia ‘I choose to try again’ by Elizabeth Estrada ‘Beautiful oops’ by Barney Saltzberg ‘The koala who could’ by Rachel Bright ‘The dot’… Continue reading My favourite book recommendations for developing a positive mental attitude and growth mindset in children

14 mindful activities to help children form a deeper connection with nature

‘It’s a wondrous thing, how the wild calms the child’- Unknown This week marks Mental Health Awareness week 2021 and the theme for this year is ‘nature’. As my job as a children’s mindfulness coach, art therapist and mum of three, I experience and observe first hand how engaging, restorative and peace-inducing connecting with nature… Continue reading 14 mindful activities to help children form a deeper connection with nature