14 mindful activities to help children form a deeper connection with nature

‘It’s a wondrous thing, how the wild calms the child’- Unknown This week marks Mental Health Awareness week 2021 and the theme for this year is ‘nature’. As my job as a children’s mindfulness coach, art therapist and mum of three, I experience and observe first hand how engaging, restorative and peace-inducing connecting with nature… Continue reading 14 mindful activities to help children form a deeper connection with nature

10 Ways to Calm Your Child

Now the chaos of Christmas is behind us, we can look forward to a rejuvenating new year, for both parent and child. Aside from all the wonderful adventures that Christmas time brings, December can be a chaotic and stressful time for us all. In previous years I’ve often found that the time spent rushing around and ‘doing’ can… Continue reading 10 Ways to Calm Your Child